Quite by chance, I fell in love with the mountains of New Zealand while at university in the early 1990s. Many of us carried cameras into the hills to record these precious moments and from then on photography has played an important role in communicating my love for life.
Eventually my horizons expanded past the obvious and it has been a privilege over the past 20 years to take my eyes on a journey from one end of New Zealand to the other.
More recently, in a return to my farming roots, I’ve started to explore our rural landscapes. Living in this part of the world, in the lower half of the South Island, our rural landscapes are unavoidable – they are part of who we are – from the wide-open spaces of the high country to the flat patchwork of the plains further north.

In photographing the New Zealand landscape my style is to walk, search and wait for the combination of light and form that says something essential about a place. I’ve not been able to come up with a better summary for my thoughts on landscape photography than this from Robert Adams:
‘We rely, I think, on landscape photography to make intelligible to us what we already know. It is the fitness of a landscape to one’s experience of life’s condition and possibilities that finally makes a scene important or not.’
Robert Adams 'Beauty in Photography'
While landscape photography remains my first love, my attraction to form inspires me to photograph a wide range of subjects with new commissions and projects constantly filling up the working year.
More recently I've branched out into providing locations and logistics services for the film and TV industry. While the making of moving pictures is completely different to stills, I've found it satisfying to share my in depth knowledge of New Zealand with production teams seeking to realise their own creative dreams.
Thanks for visiting www.robbrown.co.nz and browsing through my vision of New Zealand. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have a specific request for photographs.